Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Come one, Come all...



It is official! Our opening reception is this Saturday, April 4, 2009, from 2-5 in the afternoon. The address is 919 East 8th Street Anderson, Indiana. The space was previously a Rent-A-Center but over the past m
onth has been transformed into a gallery space. The senior class has completely revamped the space from cleaning, painting, and constructing over 50 additional feet of wall space. You'll have to come see it for yourself. It looks sweeeeet....

Friday, March 20, 2009

Bulldog Invite #1.2

Here are two options for the interior spread (cover on previous entry). There is one I prefer but I'm interested in what additional viewers think. Let me know which one you prefer and why. I really appreciate it. (click image to enlarge)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bulldog Invite #1

Here is idea #1 : the size is 12" x 4".

The thin vertical hairline is actually where the front fold stops. The '2009' is part of the interior spread. The school colors are deep purple and white so I plan to use the purple throughout the remaining interior. Purple is tricky. I'll post the interior once it's a bit more resolved (in the near future).

All comments & critiques are welcome!

(click image to enlarge)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Good Type is like...

The Elements of Typographic Style. Robert Bringhurst. 2005

"Good typography is like bread: ready to be admired, appraised and dissected before it is consumed." - Robert Bringhurst

This book is a must read for all designers (and should be read by anyone who writes...so everyone). Don't be intimidated--it's beautifully written. Very early in the book Bringhurst writes how letters have a life and dignity of their own. I am going to directly quote from this book because he writes so clearly I don't want my paraphrasing to miss anything:

Letterforms that honor and elucidate what humans see and say deserve to be honored in their turn. Well-chosen words deserve well-chosen letters; these in their turn deserve to be set with affection, intelligence, knowledge and skill. Typography is a link, and it ought, as a matter or honor, courtesy and pure delight, to be as strong as the others in the chain.

It gives me chills. There is the potential to be incredibly effective. The form feeds the function. Quite different than what we are used to hearing. I believe there is much to learn here specifically when we try to understand the significance of cohesion ||

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Had some extra time to mess around in Illustrator tonight. My University work has been based around discovering the significance of cohesion. I believe unity is a moral responsibility but the act of forming is just as important. What does Cohesion look like? I'm not really sure if it has anything to do with 1, but I'm working through that. The alphabet is teaching me more than you would imagine about cohesion and the power of well designed typography.

oh. Frank Lloyd Wright is still a sick man---in an unbelievable way.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Paula Scher | TED.com

Paula Scher’s lecture “Great Design Is Serious (Not Solemn)” from last May’s Serious PlayTEDTalk conference. Scher is one of my exemplars and does excellent design work as a partner for Pentagram. Her work includes, Citi bank, Truvia, NY Public Theatre, Museum of Modern Art, NY Philharmonic, etc. The lecture is 20 minutes but is totally worth it. Enjoy! ||

Saturday, March 14, 2009

...and through the woods

Spending the weekend with the grandparents! This is the view from their back patio and is one of my favorite places in the world. What a great start to Spring Break ||

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Artist Trade

So this was an artist trade I made with a friend back home. She has cut my hair for years--charged me $0, I told her I would make it up to her. She just graduated from massage therapy school and is starting her own business in professional hair styling and licensed massage therapy. They are double sided business cards with each side addressing hair and massage. She loves them. I think they suit her perfectly! I hope to help expand her business system as soon as her business starts growing!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

'A' Lithograph

Here is the lithographic stone I am working on. I spent 7.5 hours preparing the image and pulling prints on Tuesday. The process is rough--but the outcome is worth it. If you want to see the print, it will be one of my pieces at our Senior Exhibition:

CONVERGE: it totally matters what it's next to
Opening: April 4, 2009; 2pm-5pm (art+refreshments)

919 East 8th Street (at the corner of 8th and College)
Anderson Indiana 46012

Monday, March 2, 2009

Juried Student Show '09

Here are my pieces that made it into the 2009 Anderson University Department of Art + Design Juried Student Show. There were 7 banners total but I only submitted four. They were used back in November but decided to make a second appearance. For more images from the visual campaign, visit My Porfolio Site (book > Vote | 08)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Save the Date!

Well, here they are! Offset Lithography on 130 lb. paper. Glorious (thanks to Able Printing in Chicago). Meg and I spent hours cutting the labels and getting them ready for send off! 5ish months to go!!